The Mkhwanazi kids
ZULUWE pays for the education in two different private schools for 3 children of one family.
(Click here for more information about one of the schools)
This way the children get good quality education and can start in a positive position in the labour market and in turn can support other people
in their extended families and community.
The tuition for the private school is 80 euro (64 pounds) for the eldest and 40 euro (32 pounds) for the youngest per month per child. Currently we are paying for two of the children totalling 120 euro
a month. When the third child, Nzuzo, reaches school age it will be 160 euro a month. We are still looking for people who will be willing to give
a monthly donation of any amount (it all helps).
Any extra amount of money that we receive will be saved to ensure the education of all three children to High school and University level.
When we have reached this target we can begin to fund children of other deserving families in the same way.
Besides the tuition we still need some smaller amounts of money for school uniforms.
ZULUWE pays directly to the school so you can be sure your money reaches its goal.